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  Teaching And Learning Methods In Environmental Education

Teaching And Learning Methods In Environmental Education

by I.Sundar

  Price : Rs 1400.00
  Your Price : Rs 1190.00
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  The abnormal people are a source of friction and tension in the Socioety and they tend to obstruct the process of development in Society. It is therefore, very necessary that abnormal people are identified and they are given proper treatment for the remedy of the ills from which they are suffering. There are many psychiatric cases in which the patients develop some complexes and their behaviour becomes abnormal.
About Author :
William Flexner has taught in many colleges and universities of America. William Flexner had conducted experiments on rats and dogs to measure the levels of intelligence and had come out with very surprising results. He had worked with many leading psychologists of America. William Flexner had contributed to various leading journals of America and the world. He is considered an authority in the field of personality development.
Contents :
Abnormal Psychology Dissociation Automatism Vague Fears and Anxieties Regression Tics and Stereotyped Movements Perversions of the Sex Impulse Delusions Exaltation and Depression Schizophremia Epileptoid Seizures Colour Psychology Appraisal and Reporting of Pupil Progress

Pages : 278
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