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  Electrical Circuit Analysis

Electrical Circuit Analysis

by Sivanagaraju S., Rao C. Srinivasa, Kishor G.

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Electrical Circuit Analysis is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of engineering for a course on circuits and network analysis. The book emphasizes basic analysis of circuits which includes single phase circuits, magnetic circuits, theorems, transient analysis, etc.

The book begins with the basic concepts of network analysis, including Kirchoff�s laws, and goes on to discuss the concepts of network analysis the concept of mesh analysis, nodal analysis, and graph theory. Single-phase A.C circuits are explained with locus diagrams and resonance. To further the study of A.C circuits, three-phase circuits have also been introduced and explained in an elaborate manner. Network theorems for both D.C and A.C excitation have been dealt with. Further, the transient response of different type of circuits along with their Laplace representation has been provided. Coverage of two-port network parameters and filters and attenuators makes this a complete text on the subject of network analysis.

Written a lucid manner and high on pedagogical features, this book coveys clearly the basic concepts of the subject and provides a good problem-solving methodology.

Pages : 600
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