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  Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 7e (SI Units)

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 7E (Si Units)

by Cengel, Yunus

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 629.10
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  This new edition of the bestseller, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach brings further refinement to an approach that emphasizes a physical understanding of teh fundamental concepts of thermodynamics in a simple yet precise manner. A genuine attempt has been made to offer a text that caters directly to tommorrow`s engineers.
Key Features:

Excellent coverage of basic principles of Thermodynamics Early introduction of First Law of Thermodynamics- this helps in setting the framework for understanding various forms of energy, mechanisms of energy transfer, balance of energy etc. Emphasis on Physics: Special emphasis on underlying physical mechanism in addition to mathematical representations and manipulations. Cengel uses ordinary day-today experiences that build up to a mechanical problem. Effective use of Association- use of physical intuitive approach. Parallels are being drawn between the subject matter and the students everyday experiences to be able to relate the matter to what they already know. Text features more illustrations and photographs than any other book in the category. New to this edition: Over 700 new comprehensive problems. Extensive use of artwork- Contains more figures and illustrations than any other book in this category. Learning Objectives and Summaries- Each chapter begins with an overview of the material to be covered and chapter-specific learning objectives. A summary is included at the end of each chapter. Topics of special interest- Most chapters contain a section called ?Topic of Special Interest? where interesting aspects of thermodynamics are discussed. Glossary of thermodynamic terms- throughout the chapter, when an important key terms concept is being introduced and defined, it appears in boldface type. Conversion Factors- Frequently used conversion factors and physical constants are listed on the inner cover pages of the text for easy reference. Pedagogy: Wealth of real world end of chapter problems :2462 Numerous worked out examples with systematic solution procedure : 200 Total : 2662
ISBN - 9780071072540

Pages : 975
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