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  Leadership For Results: Removing Barriers to Success for People, Projects, and Processes

Leadership For Results: Removing Barriers To Success For People, Projects, And Processes

by Tom Barker

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 184.50
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  It is widely recognized that leadership is a critical factor in enabling any organization to adapt to its environment through implementing strategy, thereby surviving and thriving. This book takes research from a diverse range of fields on human behavior and distills it down into three themes in which leadership behavior is vital. Author Tom Barker labels these three themes Intentions, Influence, and Information, and their typical actions are described and illustrated by examples. Readers are taught how to achieve common purposes, collective decisions, and credible results.

Leadership For Results is aimed not only at executives but all managers responsible for implementing strategy, including their advisors in areas like Human Resources, Information Technology, Quality and Finance. It is applicable to organizations large and small, in the private sector, public sector, and not-for-profit.

Pages : 188
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