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  Astrological Concepts Worked Out And Explained

Astrological Concepts Worked Out And Explained

by Prem Kumar Sharma

  Price : Rs 165.00
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  It is a well-established fact that since Vedic astrology has its basis in Vedic knowledge, it is as old as human creation and has been used from time immemorial to dispel the unfounded horrors and prejudices of the human mind. Rahu and Ketu, the two nodal points of the Moon, constitute the core of Vedic astrology. Ancient Indian seers visualized the north and the south nodes of the Moon as the most interesting and mysterious planetary influences. However, Rahu and Ketu have either been ignored or misunderstood in studies of Vedic astrology. This book is an attempt to dispel the darkness that surrounds Rahu and Ketu so that they can be better understood and their importance in Vedic astrology appreciated. By no means the final word on Rahu and Ketu, this book attempts to provide readers with a practical understanding of these two nodes so that they can be placed in perspective. After a reading of the book, readers will realize why the two nodes of the Moon are worthy of being called the heroes of Vedic astrology. The book also provides other insights into Vedic astrology. The use of horoscopes of some prominent persons makes an understanding of Rahu and Ketu easier both for astrology enthusiasts and for other readers.

ISBN - 9788174766779

Pages : 136
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