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  Multiplexity of  Postcolonial Literature

Multiplexity Of Postcolonial Literature

by T.Sai Chandra Mouli, Sunil Kumar Navin

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  A vast number of cultural critiques of the Empire and its aftermath have been designated with the label ‘post-colonialism’, published in the last two decades. Disparities of perspective and subject-matter apart, they all have a common reference point. They are all broadly concerned with experiences of cultural, political, social and economic exploitation of the colonised and resistance under systems of colonial control. The term ‘Postcolonialism’ thus addresses itself to the historical, political, cultural and textual ramifications of the colonial encounter between the West and the non-West, dating from the sixteenth century to the present day. It considers how the encounter shaped both sides – the colonisers as well as the colonised. Studies of postcolonial cultures, texts and politics are interested in responses to colonial oppression which were (and are) sensitive or contentious.
It is hoped that this volume will be useful in understanding postcolonial perspectives in Indian English writings. It incorporates responses to the works of a wide range of Indian English writers in different genres.

Pages : 266
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