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  India in the World Order - Searching for Major-Power Status

India In The World Order - Searching For Major-Power Status

by Baldev Raj Nayar & T.V. Paul

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 487.90
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  Two well-known scholars examine India`s search for a major role in the international system. Central to the argument is India`s belief that the acquisition of an independent nuclear capability is key to obtaining such status. The book details the constraints at the international, domestic and perceptual levels that India has faced in this endeavor and concludes that systemic and domestic changes will be necessary before it can achieve its goal. Given recent developments, the book is extremely timely. Its incisive analysis will be illuminating for students and policy makers.

1. Introduction: India and its search for a major power role
2. Major power status in the modern world: India in comparative perspective
3. The constraints on India: international and domestic
4. India`s quest for a major power role under Nehru: the formative grand strategy of a new state, 1947–1964
5. Strategy in hard times: the long march to building capabilities after Nehru, 1964–1990
6. After the Cold War: adaptation, persistence, and assertion, 1991–2001
7. Conclusions: India and the emerging international order.

ISBN - 9788175962316

Pages : 302
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