If every one has the Ultimate Dossier on Ladakhs, it is Pervez Dewan , after years of running about in Nothern most region, administering and adventuring his way around its deserts plains, passes and lakes. Along the way , he diuscovered that Kargil and Leh had large Buddha scluptures carved into the mountain side and noticed the world purest Aryans, ` the Drokpas, wheren`t amused by suggestions that there was mass kissing at there festivals and thought himself polo on thte endless Kargyak Plains- the highest inhabitated place in the world. Pervez started the Ladakh Festival threw open to tourists seven hitherto forbidden areas, developed an administration for the history , culture and people of the Pak occupied Giligt-Balitistan hunza region. Introduced the Suru valley and Goshan Murad Bagh to the international media, and waited for weaks to sight the snow leopard. He was luckier with wild ass, Brahmini Ducks and Black Neced Cranes, though.