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  Encyclopaedia of SAARC and Member Countries (Set in 9 Volumes)

Encyclopaedia Of Saarc And Member Countries (Set In 9 Volumes)

by Dr. Rashmi Sharma

  Price : Rs 12800.00
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  Vol. 1 : SAARC: Concept, Growth and Development

Contents : SAARC An Overview; Member Countries; SAARC Summits; SAARC Regional Centres; SAARC Social Agenda; Regional Economic Cooperation; SAARC Convention on Poverty Alleviation; SAARC and the Issue of Terrorism; SAARC Tourism: Its Great Potential; SAARC Agreement on Environment; SAARC Promotion of People-to-People Contacts; SAARC in New Millennium; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 2 : Afghanistan and SAARC

Contents : Afghanistan: The Land of Afghans; History of Afghanistan; Social System in Afghanistan; Natural Environment; Economy of Afghanistan; Government and Politics; Afghanistan: Its Foreign Relations; Afghanistan and SAARC; Afghanistan and India Relation; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 3 : Bangladesh and SAARC

Contents : Bangladesh: Country of Bengal; Culture and Traditions of Bangladesh; Government and Politics; Educational System; Environmental Changes in Bangladesh; Economic Structure of Bangladesh; Bangladesh: Its Foreign Relations; Ziaur Rahman: The Brain Behind SAARC; Bangladesh and SAARC; Relations Between Bangladesh and India; 14th SAARC Summit 2007, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 4 : Bhutan and SAARC

Contents : Bhutan: A Himalayan Country; Bhutan: Its Social System Bhutans Economy; Forest Resources in Bhutan; Natural Environment of Bhutan; Bhutan Tourism: Its Potentials; Government and Politics of Bhutan; Refugee Problems in Bhutan; Bhutan: Its Foreign Policy and Relations; Bhutan and India Relation; Bhutan in SAARC; SAARC: Its Achievements; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 5 : India and SAARC

Contents : India: The Land of Great Diversity; India: Its Glorious History; Social Systems in India; Natural Resources; Indian Economy; Government and Politics ; Indian Tourism; Indias Foreign Policy and Relations; India: An Emerging Superpower; Indias a Role in SAARC; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 6 : Maldives and SAARC

Contents : Maldives: The Land of Dhivehi People; Maldives: Its Mystery and History ; Art and Culture of Maldives; Social Systems in Maldives; Government and Politics; Environmental Changes and Tsunami; Economy of Maldives; Foreign Policy and Relations of Maldives ; The Role of Maldives in SAARC; SAARC Law and Maldives; Maldives and India Relations; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 7 : Nepal and SAARC

Contents : Nepal: A Himalayan Country; Social Structure of Nepal; Nepal: Its Art and Culture; Nepals Economy; Natural Resources in Nepal; Government and Politics in Nepal; Democratic Movement and Political Parties; Nepal: Its Foreign Policy and Relations; Nepal and SAARC; SAARC Secretariat in Nepal; National Security System in Nepal; Relations Between Nepal and India; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 8 : Pakistan and SAARC

Contents : Pakistan and Its History; Art and Culture of Pakistan; Pakistan: Its Geography and Natural Resources; Social Structures in Pakistan; Pakistan: Its Developing Economy; Government and Politics in Pakistan; Foreign Relations of Pakistan; Pakistans Role in SAARC; Pakistans Relation with India; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

Vol. 9 : Sri Lanka and SAARC

Contents : Sri Lanka: Pearl of the Indian Ocean; Sri Lanka: Its Constitution; Political System of Sri Lanka; Foreign Policy and Relations of Sri Lanka; Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka; Peace Process in Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka and SAARC; SAARC: An Organization in South Asia; SAARC Convention on Combating; SAARC Agreement on Poverty; Sri Lanka-India Relations; 14th SAARC Summit 2007; SAARC, Growth and Regional Integration; 14th SAARC Summit, 2007 Declaration.

ISBN - 8189915827

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