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  765 Notable Horoscopes

765 Notable Horoscopes

by Lt. Col. (Retd.) Raj Kumar

  Price : Rs 315.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  Great savants of astrology have enunciated various rules, theories & hypothesis about various permutation and combinations of planets in a native’s chart. The 12 houses represent the journey of a native from the cradle to the grave. No two natives (and their horoscopes) are identical, even the twins differ. Why & how it happens is to be understood & explained by an astrologer. The basic rule is to proceed from known to unknown to understand the highly complex treatises. This necessitates the availability of a large number of horoscopes on which the various tools of astrology can be tested & understood.
The book provides this basic necessity of large number of keen students & research scholars of astrology. This book provides horoscopes of nine divine deities of different religions and 756 horoscopes of different natives of different times and of different nations. 415 natives out of them are alive as on date. To facilitate proper identification, the charts of natives are given in alphabetical order. To facilitate further, separate index have been given Lagna-wise and profession-wise. Total numbers of vocations have been identified as 27. Each horoscope gives longitudes in degree & minutes, birth details of the native, balance dasha at birth, date & mode of death where applicable & available and few important events of each native. The scholars can derive much more useful information from the data given in the book. It is expected that large astrological fraternity will welcome the book in its present form.


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