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  Charisma of Trika Houses

Charisma Of Trika Houses

by Lt. Col. (Retd.) Raj Kumar

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  The classical texts have condemned Trika (6th, 8th & 12th) houses and their lords as evil with a negative role. These are considered to represent all the anti-forces that act against a native and are held responsible for all the miseries, sufferings, calamities and diseases that befall a native.
However there is nothing absolutely good or bad in the universe. All the houses are part of a divine scheme and have a definite function to perform. Trika houses represent the struggle of life and the capabilities of a native to fight back. Viewing adversity as challenge and not as loss or failure is a positive attitude and elevates one spiritually.
The Trika houses denote unconscious and sub-conscious mind which are vital to understand any native. As the level of consciousness elevates, native’s perception and mode of operation drastically changes and barriers like hatred, jealousy and revenge etc. get dissolved.
It is interesting to note that certain dispositions or Yogas by Trika lords in a horoscope not only shun the evil denotations but also bring fortune, wealth, health and happiness. Mars/Jupiter in 6th, Mercury/Saturn in 8th and Venus in 12th house if placed alone and unafflicted gives excellent results. Benefics and trinal lords if exalted, Yogkaraka or Mooltrikone sign in a Trika house helps a native to rise high in life. This book highlights such positive aspects of Trika houses/lords.

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