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  Chennai not Madras : Perspectives on the City

Chennai Not Madras : Perspectives On The City

by Venkatachalapathy, A.R.

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2500.00
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  Though the city of Chennai is over 350 years old, it has not received the attention that other metropolitan cities in India have. Books on the city that are available are written from a somewhat elite perspective, epitomized by the opposition to the renaming of Madras a few years ago. But the fact is that in Tamil literature it has always been referred to as Chennai. Thus the tussle revolves around the cultural views of colonial Madras and the Chennai of wider democratic populace. This somewhat provocatively titled book seeks to highlight the vernacular character of Chennai. Many of the contributors have not been visible to a non-Tamil audience before, others are academics who have been researching aspects of the city. Their writings are reflective and impressionistic and describe the changing character of the metropolis.
Contents : Introduction: Chennai, Not Madras by A.R. Venkatachalapathy /
“Madras Manade” How Chennai Remained with Tamil Nadu by
A.R. Venkatachalapathy /
Geography of a Lingua Franca, History of a Linguistic Fracas by
Pushpa Arabindoo / Urban Mobility and Early Cinema in Chennai by Stephen Hughes / Chennai: Politics, Architecture, and the City by A. Srivathsan /
Search for Self in an Urban Jungle: Notes on Contemporary Art in Chennai by Indran / Visual Essay: Travellers’ Tales by A.V. Ilango / The Chennai of My First Visit by Sundara Ramaswamy / The City without Sparrows by
Prapanjan / East is East, West is West by Ashokamitran / Chennai Days, Vivid Dreams by Blake Wentworth / Photo Essay: Tondiapet to Mylapore by Ramu Aravindan / Index.

ISBN - 8185026742

Pages : 140
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