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  40 Minutes with God

40 Minutes With God

by Vinod Kumar Nigam , Siddharth Nigam

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  Prayer and a strong faith in God are the keys to our healing in this world and he next. 40 Minutes with God will help you with both. Harold G. Koenig MD Author of best seller "The Healing Power of Faith" Dr. Vinod Nigam’s splendid book is a window onto the medicine of the future. -Larry Dossey, MD, Dallas, Texas, USA Author of Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions …you sound like me. I know several patients who prayed or left their troubles to god and healed their cancers. -Bernic Siegel, MD, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Author of Love, Medicine and Miracles Prayer has tremendous power to heal. Dr. V.K. Nigam, a surgeon, prays to alleviate his patient’s sufferings and cure them of chronic illnesses. In 40 Minutes With God, he shares his meditation techniques and shows how spirituality can breach the boundaries that limit traditiional medicine. He does not rely on his skills with the scalpel alone, he prays for his patients. He is one of the few Indian doctors who has a medical technique patent to his name, that is "Window Operation" for Hydrocele. The Times of India Dr. Vinod Kumar Nigam, a laparoscopic surgeon prays for his patients for forty minutes every morning and has found it quite fruitful. He is not alone as researchers substantiate the belief that prayers possess miraculous powers. Hindustan Times This is really a how-to-book that goes beyond talking about spirituality and prayer and tells you how to make science and spirituality a part of your life. The two concepts are not at war, but actually complement each other. Mankind can truly progress only when spirituality and science learn to co-exist. Science and spirituality are both essential for one’s well being. Examples mentioned in the course of this book are real case histories, but names of those involved have been changed to keep their identites confidential. These are meant to open the connecting door between spirituality and science for the reader. Prayer is a universal phenomenon and advocated across religions as a means of communicating with God, the Supreme Power or creative force. It is prevalent in all cultures. Prayer has healing powers. Currently, in the era of body-mind medicine, doctors have begun to precribe meditation along with drugs. This is a trend that is here to stay and, as the benefits become more and more visible, it will only become increasingly popular in the years to come. This belief forms a basis for this book.
ISBN - 9788130912592

Pages : 228
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