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  Biographical Encyclopaedia of the World Sociologists (2 Vols.)

Biographical Encyclopaedia Of The World Sociologists (2 Vols.)

by N.S. Bisht

  Price : Rs 6000.00
  Your Price : Rs 5280.00
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  This two volumes Biographical Encyclopaedia is a pioneering attempt to present a compre-hensive study of biographical description and theoretical contribution of 123 eminent sociologists from 20 countries of the world written by noted scholars which ranges from one pages to fifteen pages in length. Whatever the length of the entry, each follows the same basic pattern. Each entry has been arranged in alphabetical order in the following manner: “Nationality; date of birth and death (where appropriate, with places where these can be ascertained); brief categorisation i.e., fields of major contributions; details of educational and professional activities; outline of the sociologist’s ideas with some indications of the reception and influence on others where appropriate; list of major works; reference to significant commen-taries/secondary works, where these exist at the time of writing; and an indication of any additional sources of infor-mations, other than those listed in the primary and secondary material, used by the writer of the entry. Two types of indexes have been included at the end of this encyclopaedia.” The idea of bringing out this biographical encyclopaedia for the first time is undoubtedly a noble endeavour of the editors which is timely and worth considering. Undoubtedly, this book becomes indispensable source of refe-rences for teachers, scholars and readers.

ISBN - 8182201187 (Set), 8182201195 (Vol. 1), 8182201209 (Vol. 2)

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