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  Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: With the Exposition of Vyasa (A Translation and Commentary) - Vol. 2 Sadhana - Pada

Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: With The Exposition Of Vyasa (A Translation And Commentary) - Vol. 2 Sadhana - Pada

by Swami Veda Bharati

  Price : Rs 2200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1870.00
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  The Volume one of the Commentary on the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali (samadhi-pada) was published in 1984 and is available from the HImalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, Route I, Box 400, Honesdale, PA 18431, USA. It was highly acclaimed as a work of rare authenticity, based on thirteen Sanskrit commentaries, synthesized and studied in the light of the oral tradition and direct personal experience in the master-disciple lineage of the yogis. The author is of the opinion that without such personal experience much of the terminology of the Yoga-sutras would remain obscure and any explanation of purely scholastic grounds would be incomplete.

The value of the present volume on the Sadhana-pada is further enhanced by adding the study of even more published Sanskrit commentaries as well as unpublished manuscripts. Seven lengthy appendices add to the value of the work as the material presented in these appendices can be further researched and enhanced to form into independent theses. The author makes certain that the works of the previous commentators be examined in the light of how the Sutras are taught in the Himalayan caves among those who practice the various methods and are initiated into them.
ISBN - 9788120820692

Pages : 860
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