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  Lost Victory

Lost Victory

by Maj. Gen. (Retd) Raj Mehta

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1061.90
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  Any one who has studied the over 30-year-old Sri Lankan conflict with detachment will perhaps agree that no other phrase can define the Prabhakaran conundrum better than `Lost Victory`. He had almost succeeded in his goal of getting a Tamil Eelam with most of his conditions agreed to by the Sri Lankan Government, with the tacit approval of the International community. On the brink of success, however, he made cardinal, irreversible blunders, linked with unbridled, overweening ambition and a total misreading of the Sri Lankan Government`s resolve and capability, resulting in his inglorious death, along with most of his family members and key henchmen and supporters, and the total collapse of his movement.
ISBN - 9788182744431

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