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  Nuclear Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems

Nuclear Transmutation Of Stable And Radioactive Isotopes In Biological Systems

by Vladimir I. Vysotskii, Alla A. Kornilova

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 815.90
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  The book presents the results of complex experimental and theoretical studies of effective nuclear synthesis and transmutation of stable and radioactive isotopes in growing biological systems. These nuclear processes are examined from three different points of view?as totality of experimental facts of low energy transmutation of isotopes in growing systems, as a process analyzed from the laws and perspective of nuclear science, and as a process studied from the point of view of biochemistry of live systems.``Professor Vladimir I. Vysotskii is Head of Department of Theoretical Radiophysics at Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine. He has published 5 books and more than 250 articles and patents on radiation physics, laser physics, nuclear physics, physics of extreme states (including cavitations, shock waves and the problem of stability and collapse of a matter), gamma-Ray and X-Ray optics, molecular biophysics and radiation biology. He is active member of different International Academies and Societies.

Dr. Alla Kornilova is senior scientific researcher at physical faculty of Lomonosov`s Moscow State University and director of Innovation scientific-educational center of physical faculty of the same university. She has published 3 books and numerous articles and patents on solid physics at high pressure, physics of cavitation phenomena, X-Ray optics, medical physics, biophysics and radiation biology. She is active member of Russian Academy of Natural science. ``

ISBN 9788182744301


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