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  Special Economic Zones in India : Principals, Problems and Prospects

Special Economic Zones In India : Principals, Problems And Prospects

by P.Arunachalam

  Price : Rs 1100.00
  Your Price : Rs 968.00
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  The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Bill, 2005 introduced in the Lok Sabha by Shri. Kamal Nath, Minister of Commerce and industry, on 9th May 2005 and passed by the SEZ Act 2005, supported by SEZ by rules, came into force on February 10, 2006 and is and expected to give a big thrust to exports and @ foreign Direct Investment@ (FDI) inflows into the country. The new regime is aimed at encouraging public-private partnership to develop excellent infrastructure and foreign-boosting economic growth, exports and employment. Clusters in from of SEZs marked by special system and policies have the ability to tremendously boost export performance and FDI investment. For example, today China has six Special Economic Zones and more than 500 Economic Development Zones that receives over 75 per cent of FDI and drive over 50 per cent of country@s exports. However, it is quite unfortunate that over these years, the debate on SEZs in India has been acutely political, resulting in a lack of understanding regarding their ability to accelerate employment generation and export growth. It India were to have policy framework around SEZs, the country could stand to gain. This book presents a critical appraisal appraisal of the origin of the origin of the concept, objectives the Indian scenario of investment, employment, exports, the outstanding issues liked land , labour and environmental problems raised by different quarters of the society and suggestions, et. More or the less all aspects of the Special Economic Zones are covered in this book. It is hoped that the book would be found useful Government Authorities-both Centre and States-concerned with the implementation of SEZs the SEZ Developers and Multinational Corporations-both within and outside India-who are waiting for investing in the SEZs Political Social natural Scientists, social Organizations, Faculty Members Students and Research Scholars.
ISBN : 9788183871693

Pages : 356
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