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  Micro Credit and Rural Poor Empowerment (2 Volume Set)

Micro Credit And Rural Poor Empowerment (2 Volume Set)

by P. Arunachalam

  Price : Rs 4995.00
  Your Price : Rs 4395.60
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Kevin Watkins, an Oxford academic, who edited the UN`s human development report, has stated that despite growing prosperity brought on by a sustained boom, child malnourishment in India is higher than in Ethiopia and well above the African average of 28 per cent. India dominates the world hunger league,. Economists like to debate the factors behind India`s spectacular take-off. Perhaps they should be asking how a country can grow so fast with such a limited impact on child hunger. I have no hesitation in saying that I do not envy China, I want to emulate China. I want India to become an economic power, an economic superpower. When it comes to economic growth, India is a long way ahead of Bangladesh but when it comes to child survival rates, it lags behind. Bangladesh has been cutting child deaths at a rate some 50 per cent higher than in India. Both Bangladesh and Nepal are far poorer than India, but India has a higher child death rate than either According to Adam Smith Man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessities, the conveniences and the amusement of the human life. Poverty is a condition where a person is unable to secure the minimum consumption requirements of life, health and efficiency. Such requirements include minimum human needs in respect of food, clothing, housing, health and education. Poverty thus can be defined as a lack of income to acquire minimum necessities in life. High poverty levels results in poor quality of life, malnutrition, illiteracy, child mortality and low human resource development. Poverty creates a never ending vicious cycle. If the people are very poor, they cannot save which prevents capital formation. Non-accumulation of money prevents reinvestment. Capital plays an essential and strategic role in development of a region and changing the economic condition of large number, directly or indirectly. Women empowerment and poverty alleviation are two areas which are attracting concern from various groups of people worldwide-like economists, politicians, NGO`s and business organizations. Some business houses through partnership with NGO`s and self help groups (SHG) and effectively using micro finance are trying to create opportunity for self employment of rural women`s. The efforts has significantly increased women`s security, autonomy, self confidence and status within the household and also helped the business houses increase their market share and net worth.

Pages : 567
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