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  Youth Vision 2020 Towards Building

Youth Vision 2020 Towards Building

by Sachidananda Satapathy

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 699.60
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  The whole book a compilation of more than forty insightful papers written by young people of this country and supplement by people of eminence. All have drawn a line map regarding how to go about from this point to the development of this country. As young people of today are the sensible citizens of tomorrow, it become necessary to conceptualise such project of youth Vision 2020, given them voice and make their participation strong in nation building process. This project will certainly inspire other youngest whose role the country need in its development process. The country needs badly young people’s involvement in its day to day affairs, which is lacking till date and their apathetic attitude to any burning issues is making our country weak. This project helped many bright young people to think deeply their country and their people and above all future and at gather some dream to realize. The ideas gathered in the book are incredible and if practiced can make this country a place, where everybody can have a choice of their own. The book is a must reading for all development practioners, political leaders students, academicians, and above all, anybody having some, deep concern and empathy for India’s progress.
ISBN : 8183870759


Pages : 254
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