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  Indian Rural Economy

Indian Rural Economy

by A. Mustafa

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  Indian Rural Economy” presents the past and contemporary scenario of rural marketing, Rural Industries, Rural Finance. And agro-culture in India. The contents contain five chapters. The contents five chapters. All the five chapters demographic features of Indian Rural economy vividly. First Chapter explains the Economy of India and makes comparison with China in the global context this chapter also contains Indian vital( farmers) statistics, organic farming, paradox and challenges of Indian agricultural development, and rural marketing. In Chapter No. two author defines the concept, discusses the features of agricultural marketing, and highlights the booming rural market business prospects. “Go Rural” slogan is narrated with lot of illustrations of concept of RISC, the fate and glimpses of rural economy, and the under-developed nature of agriculture are presented with facts and figures. The importance of agricultural marketing, its data sources, emerging problems of agro-business, and the role of International Development Entreprises(India ) are stated> Rural-urban population-its distribution and location. Share of organized and unorganized sectors, and expenditure pattem are the areas covered in this chapter. Rural Employment Generation Programmer, rural urban market and occupation structure are explained and explored in this chapter. Chapter No. Three deals with “Rural Poverty in India”, It enunciates the concept and causes of poverty, the attempts to alleviate poverty, the rural development schemes, and presents Global Huger Index. The views of Robert A.Lawson and George H.Moor Chair in their “economic Freedom of the World” are illustrated and conclusions are drawn in this chapter. Under the heading “Small Scale Industries & Agro and Rural Industries” a clear of picture of rural industries is given with their role and functions including the DCSSI, NSIC, and SSIB. Differences between Small scale and cottage industries, and their contributions in the economic development of India are well expressed in this chapter. Some of them are KVIC, Handlooms, Handicrafts, Sericulture, Rubber, fisheries, Tobacco, Poultry, Jute, Horticulture, Wheat, Oil seeds and Edible Oil, businesses. Features of agro-based industries, their suggestion for their further development and their merits are clearly presented. Chapter No. Four contains “Micro Finance, credit and its socio-economic problems, micro credit institutional structure, and the role of Kalanjiam, This part elaborates the contribution of rural credit institutions like NABARD, RRB, Co-operative Banks, and Commercial Banks including ICIC &RBI in the development of Indian Rural Economy. Industrial finance and institutional agencies, lead bank scheme with reference to rural banking also explained in this chapter. Content No.9 deals with Technical Skills Development and Upgradation including regulated markets, and co-operative including regulated markets, and co-operative marketing with their prospects. Chapter No. Five under the heading “Technical Skills Development and Up-gradation” presents the of various vocational training/ skill up-gradation course, analyses the role of regulated markets and co-operative marketing “Research in Agricultural Marketing” states the differences in Urban-Rural Research, data sources and research problems in agricultural marketing, problems of agro-business, and concludes with a case study.
ISBN : 9788183872720

Pages : 423
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