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  Aqua Environmental Economics

Aqua Environmental Economics

by N.Rajalakshmi

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 523.60
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  The historic earth summit held in Rio-de-Janeiro came to a close on 14 th June 1992.The 178 nation, which participated in it, adopted the Rio declaration on environmental development. The declaration started human beings were at the center of establishing a new and equitable global partnership through the creation of new levels of co-operation among states, key issue for the Economists, Socialists and Environmentalists. This book on Aqua Environment Economics is a new stream of research evolving form natural resource economics and with concepts on environmental economics. The book is expected to throw light on global resource sharing. Further, the book must reach Fisheries Economists, Environmentalist, Coastal Resources Researchers and like. By 2009, The world is stunned with the negativities of openness in name of Globalization. Aqua Economics is one such example where diversion of polluting sectors to the undeveloped communities has to be answered. The age-old conflict between development and environment, which was acknowledged by the west, is yet to be understood in-depth manner. Economists are often looked upon suspiciously by Environmentalists. Microeconomic approaches have never been thought of one such approach is the safe minimum standard, which explicitly states that we should avoid irreversible environmental damage unless the social cost of under taking the project is infinity. At the end of the game, economists have to all the problems. This book on "Aqua Environment Economics " is one such attempt. I hope with vast coastal zone, India and countries with similar potential have to take a stock of the stakeholders right in future and frame policies to their needs. Technology or market forces do not favour the environment. Hence, to save the environment from degradation, an economic instrument like polluter pay has to be applied. This book is addressed to the wide audience of different categories, Academicians and Researchers as well has Policy makers.
ISBN : 9788183872966

Pages : 200
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