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  An Agenda of Economic Reforms for the States in India

An Agenda Of Economic Reforms For The States In India

by V. B. Jugale

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 660.00
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  This book is an outcome of the proceedings of the national level seminar on “An Agenda of Economic Reforms for the States in India” held in the Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur in March 2005. The state governments have bighearted opportunities of socio-economic reforms on the eve of the liberalization and globalization. Still the state governments are not so solemn of the reforms at their own levels. Most of the state governments are under the rule of coalition of various political parties. The political parties too have no unanimity in adopting such economic reforms. In fact, it is an opportunity to think prospectively. With this intention, a national level expertise was invited for comments and discussions. Most of the important areas of discussions remained out of the thrust issues, but whatever we encountered is significant on the part of the states in India. Agriculture, co-operation, textile, services sector, infrastructure, fiscal agenda, regional disparity and higher education were the main issues discussed in this volume along with the discussants’ comments.
ISBN : 9788183871853

Pages : 277
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