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  Issues and Perspective on : Social Work and Social Development

Issues And Perspective On : Social Work And Social Development

by Profulla C. Sarkar

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 611.60
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  This volume on ‘Issues and Perspectives on Social Work and Social Development’ focuses on the main issues concerned with social work and social development to improve the quality of life and well-being of the people at the different levels. Social workers are the front line agents to bring social change through developing programs on some critical issues that affect the life and society of the people. This volume has identified the issues and consequences of different social problems which creates impediment for social development for the people who are victims of those problems. This volume also highlights the policies and practices in order to solve the problems with the intervention of GOs, NGOs, INGOs, UN organizations either individually or collectively. This volume is designed to understand about the issues of gender dichotomization, problems of youths, fertility behavior associated with rites and ceremonies, poverty, ageing, lathyrism, arsenic, water crisis, and terrorism. This volume also depicts how these problems affect the social development and to what extent the social services programs both at the statutory and voluntary level can contribute to solve those problems at the different levels. The importance of social work education and the involvement of trained social workers’ intervention as the agents of social change and social development have been discussed in this volume. It is a compilation of fifteen scientific papers which were presented at different times in various conferences, congresses, and symposia across the world.
ISBN : 9788183871747

Pages : 204
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