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  Airline Service Marketing

Airline Service Marketing

by Dr. Sharad Goel

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  Marketing is certainly one of the most important activities in any company and the airlines are no different. Approximately one-half of a major or any, national carrier`s employees are engaged in the marketing process.

Reservations personnel, ticket and customer service agents, baggage handlers, flight attendants, food service representatives, passenger and cargo sales representatives, and pricing and market research analysts are involved in marketing the company`s product-air transportation.

Marketing is that broad area of business activity that directs the flow of services provided by the carrier to the customer in order to satisfy customers` needs and wants and to achieve company objectives. Marketing is more than selling: it involves a number of business activities, including forecasting, market research and analysis, product research and development, price setting and promotion including advertising. Marketing also involves the finance activities such as credit and collection that are associated with ticket sales. Marketing is customer oriented. Creating products and services that fulfill the needs of existing customers and attract new customers is the primary goal. Determining who the customers are or could be and what their needs are is part of the process. Marketing must also assist in achieving the company`s objectives: an acceptable return on investment, a reasonable level of profits, and an adequate market share.

Why is marketing so important? Without marketing and sales, there would be no airlines. Marketing is the stimulus that encourages innovation, research, and investment. A carrier can have the latest equipment and the most efficient human and capital resources available, but unless somebody is there to sell the output produced, it is all for naught.Dr. Sharad Goel has total work experience of 25 years and served the Indian FMCG Industry for 16 years before coming to academics in 1998. Presently, Dr. Goel is working as Associate Professor (Marketing) in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan`s, Laxmi Mittal Institute of Management, New Delhi. Prof. Goel also worked with University of Petroleum & Energy Studies -India as Assistant Professor & Program Director-M.S(Energy Trading & MBA(Infrastructure).He is delivering courses on domain areas like Energy Trading, Airline Marketing, CRM, Oil & Gas Business, Service Marketing, Marketing Management. Prof. Goel is also a visiting Professor & a Trainer at IQPC-Singapore & conducted training program on Global Natural Gas & LNG Trade at Kuala Lumpur. Prof. Goel also addressed the Pre-Conference workshop at Asian Gas Congress- Beijing and also delivered technical session on City Gas Distribution in Japan at the Eurasian Gas Conference recently held in New Delhi.

He is regularly invited to the National & International conferences. He is also an expert faculty of Indian School of Petroleum in the area of Brand Management, Oil equity Management & Customer Relationship Management. He is also an Energy consultant with Resonance Energy-India. Prof. Goel also authored a book on ``Energy Trading``, ``Oil Equity-Facilitating World to Explore-`` published by Pentagon Energy Press-India
ISBN 9788182744042

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