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  Mohandas K. Gandhi (With DVD)

Mohandas K. Gandhi (With Dvd)

by Patricia Cronin Marcello

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 307.50
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  COLLECTOR’S EDITION includes Documentary Film
30th January, 1948 End of An Empire
Rare video footage as never seen before

Mohandas K. Gandhi, known as Mahatma (“great soul”) Gandhi, is a revered figure worldwide for his nonviolent action to free India from British rule. His iconic status endures in the United States, through his influence on Martin Luther King, Jr., and in popular culture, including quotations, a blockbuster film, and interest in Hindu spirituality and practices. Readers will discover how Gandhi came to be a member of the exalted pantheon of men for the ages. They will follow him from his family’s home in the provinces to an early arranged marriage, solo sojourn in England to prepare for a law career, and growth from a timid new barrister in South Africa to India’s foremost negotiator with the British power structure. He is shown evolving from a loyal British subject to become the champion of Home Rule for India – often inciting illegal actions to get himself and his supporters arrested to further the cause, and risking his life with his famous hunger strikes.
ISBN - 9788184950472

Pages : 184
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