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  Environmental Concerns of Economic Development

Environmental Concerns Of Economic Development

by N. Linga Murthy, T. Jyothi Rani, Etc.

  Price : Rs 1295.00
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  Environment and Development are not the two separate entitles but linked together in a complex system of cause and effect. Environmental problems arise as a consequence of lack of development and from unprotected and unintended consequences of economic growth. It is a byproduct of modern development, growth and equity. As per the traditional theory `economic development` refers to a process of economic transformation involving the structural transformation of an economy through industrialization and improvement in the quality of human lives. The recent concept of development refers to sustainable development which not only aims at development but also to protect the environment. The World Commission on Environment and Development Report warned about the problem of industrial waste management challenging us as a society and wanted as much care to be taken for the present and succeeding generations as for those in the distinct future. Much of `Human Development` has taken place interms of provision and enabling better health, education and income opportunities. They act as presumes on various socio-economic and environmental attributes. Examples are with better health provision, expectation of life can improve, percapita income may increase, demand for ground water may increase, forest degradation may take pace, solid and medical wastes may increased and so on. Then the impact and outcomes can be improved, worsened or changes the socio-economic welfare and environmental status are important indicators to examine. Governments have failed to cope-up with these challenges. Thus, the environmental concerns have assumed significance.
ISBN : 9788183872089

Pages : 438
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