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  CMOS Analog Circuit Design

Cmos Analog Circuit Design

by Phillip E. Allen , Douglas R. Holberg

  Price : Rs 465.00
  Your Price : Rs 418.50
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  After years of anticipation, respected authors Phil Allen and Doug Holberg bring you the second edition of their popular textbook, CMOS Analog Circuit Design. From the forefront of CMOS technology, Phil and Doug have combined their expertise as engineers and academics to present a cutting-edge and effective overview of the principles and techniques for designing circuits. Their two main goals are:
DT to mix the academic and practical viewpoints in a treatment that is neither superficial nor overly detailed and
DT to teach analog integrated circuit design with a hierarchically organized approach.
Most of the techniques and principles presented in the second edition have been taught over the last ten years to industry members. Their needs and questions have greatly shaped the revision process, making this new edition a valuable resource for practicing engineers.
The trademark approach of Phil and Doug`s textbook is its design recipes, which take readers step-by-step through the creation of real circuits, explaining complex design problems. The book provides detailed coverage of often-neglected areas and deliberately leaves out bipolar analog circuits, since CMOS is the dominant technology for analog integrated circuit design. Appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students with background knowledge in basic electronics including biasing, modeling, circuit analysis, and frequency response, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Second Edition, presents a complete picture of design (including modeling, simulation, and testing) and enables readers to design an analog circuit that can be implemented by CMOS technology.
DT Orients the experience of theexpert within the perspective of design methodology
DT Identifies common mistakes made by beginning designers
DT Provides problems with each chapter that reinforce and develop student understanding
DT Contains numerous problems that can be used as homework, quiz, or exam problems
DT Includes a new section on switched-capacitor circuits
DT Includes helpful appendices that provide simulation techniques and the following supplemental material:
A brief review of circuit analysis for CMOS analog design
A calculator program for analyzing CMOS circuits
A summary of time-frequency domain relationships for second-order systems

ISBN - 9780195116441

Pages : 800
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