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  FAMILY VIOLENCE IN INDIA: Human Rights, Issues, Actions and International Comparisons

Family Violence In India: Human Rights, Issues, Actions And International Comparisons

by Swati Shirwadkar (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 956.00
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  Current research and factual data from all over the world have revealed different types of abuse taking place within the family, which highlights the necessity to address the issue of family violence. However, at societal level, family matters are still seen as a private domain, not to be intervened due to the culture of silence.
Looking at the issue of family violence in the human rights perspective and the legal context, this volume explores the socio-cultural factors and the patriarchal prerogatives enmeshed in the process of development and globalization in India. The need for both qualitative and quantitative research is demonstrated through the articles.
The volume presents cross-cultural research in order to balance the local and global perspectives (including countries such as U.S., Canada, Germany, U.K., France and Armenia). With the human rights perspective, the papers present complexities of intervention, different aspects of violence within the family and against the special groups, contextual issues, and limitations and dilemmas of ideologies and the local barriers to intervention strategies. Collectively, they show some direction of social change and therefore will be of immense help to those interested in the subject.
ISBN - 8131602249

Pages : 496
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