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  MEDIA ETHICS: Truth, Fairness, and Objectivity

Media Ethics: Truth, Fairness, And Objectivity

by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  Media Ethics is a comprehensive textbook designed for courses in mass communication and journalism

It is aimed at sensitizing aspiring media students to issues faced by working professionals. It would be equally useful to those who are working as journalists and have to frequently confront ethical issues while fulfilling their professional obligations. This book offers a theoretical rationale for acting in an ethical manner and provides practical guidelines as well.

Mass media occupies a special position in any democratic society as it impacts, directly or indirectly, a large number of people. The book takes a look at the day-to-day ethical issues related to the functioning of media professionals and mass communication organizations in a democracy. It exemplifies the fine distinction between areas of ‘public interest’ and those in the interest of the public. Key ethical issues such as truth, objectivity, sensitivity, privacy, social responsibility, media laws, and democratic principles are discussed to enlighten the reader who will face these issues in their professional life. Concerns such as libel, copyright, obscenity, contempt of court, and right to information are also discussed to provide the legal framework related to media. Investigative journalism, the pros and cons of sting operations, and their legal aspects are dealt in detail with case studies. Additional topics include ethical concerns related to the Internet, advertising, and public relations, which also come under the broad spectrum of mass media.
ISBN - 9780195697957

Pages : 352
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