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  Illustrated Encyclopaedia and Who`s Who of Princely States in Indian Sub-continent

Illustrated Encyclopaedia And Who`S Who Of Princely States In Indian Sub-Continent

by J.C. Dua

  Price : Rs 2750.00
  Your Price : Rs 1925.00
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  Ever since the Indian independence it has been normally understood that the Indian States and Estates which numbered six hundred on 15th August 1947 were the symbols of incompetence, oppression and vices. The States has a very peculiar status in the political theory which grew up in India in the 19th century. The present publication contains the biographical sketches of the Princes and leading officials and non-officials of the erstwhile States and Estates of Indian sub-continent. Author intends to show that they symbolized progressiveness and also the conservators of Indian social and cultural traditions. The detailed introduction sets forth the historical context and an analytical framework. The book is going to make a lively study of the laymen as well as serious students of history.
ISBN - 8174790365

Pages : 538
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