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  HOTEL FRONT OFFICE: Operations and Management

Hotel Front Office: Operations And Management

by Jatashankar R. Tewari

  Price : Rs 545.00
  Your Price : Rs 490.50
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  Hotel Front Office is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the needs of the students of hotel management and hospitality courses.

It explores the core concepts of front office operations and management, and uses numerous industry-related examples to explain them.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part—The Hospitality Industry—gives an introduction to the hospitality industry and acquaints the reader with the classification and organization of hotels. The second part—Front Office Operations—deals with the various functions of the front office department. The last part—Front Office Management—imparts an understanding of the key managerial concepts like revenue management, forecasting, and budgeting. Contemporary issues, such as human resource management and environmental management, are also explored in this section.

With its practice-oriented approach, the book would also be useful to front office professionals, hotel owners, and hospitality lecturers and trainers.

Pages : 464
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