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  Assam Terrorism and the Demographic Challenge

Assam Terrorism And The Demographic Challenge

by Col. Anil Bhat

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 165.75
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  The illegal migration from erstwhile East Pakistan, later Bangladesh, into Assam, led to the bloody anti-foreigner agitation in 1983.
Initiated by the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU), it produced a political party called the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP), and an armed wing called the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA).
In late November 1990, when President’s rule was promulgated and the army launched against it, its boss, Paresh Barua and close cohorts fled to Bangladesh, thereby betraying that very cause.
They came under the influence of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence(ISI) stationed in Bangladesh and became conduits for the ISI to enter India’s north east and establish contacts with other violent groups in that region.
ULFA became an effective tool of the ISI pursuing its aim of settling illegal Bangladeshi migrants in various parts of Assam, raising new madarassas, creating communal tension, carrying out assassinations and massacres and generally spreading terror.

Contents: Foreword. Acknowldgements. Preface. Introduction. Dimension of ULFA Terrorism in Assam. Responses to ULFA. Conclusion and Recommendations.

ISBN - 9788190743150

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