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  APPLIED STATISTICS: A Course for Social Sciences

Applied Statistics: A Course For Social Sciences

by P.K. Majumdar

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 956.00
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  Applied Statistics: A Course for Social Sciences is intended to introduce the young readers to the more versatile statistical tools and techniques of estimation of parameters, testing of hypothesis, both in experimental and non-experimental set-ups, the use of multivariate models to answer many research questions in a single shot, data reduction techniques, etc. Besides emphasizing the need for computer support for data transformation, data condensation, data analysis and storing the data for future use, it also deals extensively with non-parametric tests for use in situations where assumptions of parametric tests are doubtful. Analyses of time series data and index numbers have also been included in this volume. Though primarily designed for analysis of economic data, they also have great relevance in the analysis of varieties of social and demographic data.
The text is written in a straightforward, lucid and non-threatening prose keeping in view the mindset of the end-users - the social scientists. Numerous diagrams and tables have been integrated to illustrate important concepts and techniques of analysis. An intensive array of glossary, statistical tables and comprehensive index has also been incorporated in this book.
ISBN - 8131603261

Pages : 592
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