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  Foreign Policies of India`s Prime Ministers

Foreign Policies Of India`S Prime Ministers

by Harish Kapur

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 823.40
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  The book is on the Prime Ministers of India since Jawaharlal Nehru. A chapter is devoted to each of them with a focus on their foreign policies. The broad organisational framework, designed and deployed in this publication, begins with a brief analysis of their formative years, their perceptions of the international system, and the architecture of their foreign policies, before delving into their decisional process, and before concluding with an evaluation of their role.

All the Prime Ministers were obviously not interested in international affairs. Though the dimensional size of the country had unavoidably pushed all of them to deal with foreign affairs, their role was variegated and their performance was unequal.

While the Nehru-Gandhi family were the icons of Indian diplomacy, there were others like Morarji Desai, V.P.Singh, H.D.Deve Gowda, Chandra Shekar, etc. who were really marginal either because their mandate was limited by time or by interest.

The uniqueness of the book lies in the fact that the author has dealt with all the Prime Ministers, including the ones for whom foreign policy was not crucial.
ISBN - 0979617480

Pages : 444
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