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  Human Resource Management: A Case Study Approach

Human Resource Management: A Case Study Approach

by Michael Muller-Camen, Richard Croucher & Susan Leigh

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.90
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  Contextualising HRM theory and practice can be difficult for students with limited knowledge of the world of work. This unique textbook addresses this problem by providing a practical, case-study based approach to HRM. Structured around the changing role of the HR function, it gives students exclusive access to the latest research and developments in HR. It covers a comprehensive range of topics including technological innovation, equality and diversity, work-life balance, coaching and international perspectives.

Key features of this wide-ranging and in-depth textbook include:
— Learning outcomes, key issues and activities to encourage students to analyse and reflect
— At least two case studies per chapter to link theory and practice and contextualise HRM
— Explore further references directing students to relevant articles and websites, encouraging critical thinking
— High quality international survey data made accessible to students

Human Resource Management: A Case Study Approach is specifically designed for all undergraduate business students taking a HRM module. Clear, accessible and easy to use, it is also an ideal core reference for international students and postgraduates studying HRM for the first time.
ISBN - 9788179929339

Pages : 540
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