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  My Bleeding Punjab

My Bleeding Punjab

by Khushwant Singh

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  Calendar of events. Introduction. 1. In Amritsar. 2. The Harimandir Sahib. 3. The Sikh psyche. 4. The Bhindranwale phenomenon. 5. Plain speaking on the Punjab. 6. Operation Bluestar. 7. The white paper and my peace plan. 8. Indira Gandhi’s assassination and its aftermath. 9. Rajiv Gandhi’s debut. 10. The Rajiv-Longowal accord. 11. The scenario in 1987-88. 12. Punjab diary 1989-1992. 13. Conclusion.

"On the 1 of Baisakh, 13 April 1978, celebrated as New Year’s day in the Punjabi calendar, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale exploded like a nuclear bomb. It not only shook overfed Punjabis out of their slumbers but the fallout continues to plague the rest of the country even today." This indeed is the tragic story of the troubled and terror-torn state of Punjab. Today, the complexities of the problem seem not only to be defying all solutions but at periodic intervals, pose a very real threat to the integrity of the nation. This book, in parts unashamedly emotional, lucidly traces the history of the problem, detailing the grievances and resentments of the Punjabis since Independence and touching upon all the major developments.

"What makes this volume special is the author’s personal involvement, apparent on every page, and reflecting his views on Punjab politics and the mess made by "narrow-minded Akali leaders, on the one side, and the deliberately mischievous politics of the central government", on the other. The unfortunate result is there for all to see: all progress in the most progressive state of India is at a standstill, its agricultural and industrial economy lies ruined and its administration and judiciary have been reduced to shambles. What is perhaps more disturbing is the fact that there is still no hope of a solution on the horizon.
ISBN 8185674205

Pages : 164
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