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  Indian Scriptures

Indian Scriptures

by Prof. Shrikant Prasoon

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  The Vedas are the eternal source of knowledge from which all the other Hindu Scriptures originated. When we say eternal books of knowledge, it carries a sense of oneness with the Supreme Lord. Scriptures are the holy books of a religion that are pious and revered. All the religions in the world have one scripture eachwhereas Hinduism has many Scriptures. Hindu scriptures are divided into Shruti and Smriti. The Shruti is the primary authority and the Smriti is the secondary. The Shruti literally means what is heard. The great rishis of yore heard the eternal truth which was later compiled by the great rishi Veda Vyasa in the four Vedas – Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda.
Smritis on the other hand include Itihasas or epics, Puranas or chronicles, Agamas or the manuals of worship and Darshanas or the schools of philosophy. All these are the supreme books of human knowledge and form the foundation of Hindu religion.
ISBN - 9788122310078

Pages : 293
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