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  Guru Nanak`s Bani: Revelation Mysticism Creativity

Guru Nanak`S Bani: Revelation Mysticism Creativity

by S.S. Bhatti

  Price : Rs 500.00
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  Guru Nanak`s Bani: Revelation, Mysticism and Creativity is an offbeat study of religion by a highly accomplished architect, who is a theorist, practitioner, research, and pedagogue -all rolled into one. The Author has coined a new nomenclature: " Creativity Mysticism", as a substitute for the word "Religion", which, he insists, evokes revulsion more than reverence in this age of Reason owing to its centuries-long misuse and abuse. Equipped with the tools of architecture, and the rich resourcefulness of a compounding of humanities, art, science, and technology, the Author has formulated a refreshing approach to the study of Guru Nanak`s Bani, notably, his Japuji corroborating how the Sikh Faith is founded on Guru Nanak`s revelation, and how its founder world-teachers, Guru Nanak, communicates his esoteric experience (Mysticism) through an easy expression (Creativity), for the emancipation of all humanity. Incorporating a study of world religions on a comparative basis into his line of probe, the Author has shown that the Sikh Faith, as delineated in Guru Nanak`s Bani, is neither Mythology, nor Metaphysics, nor the Muse (Poetry), not even Mysticism and/or Creativity, divorced from workaday existence. Guru Nanak has authenticated his revelation in his own words when he speaks to Bhai lalo, and thus communicates what God makes him see as the trance-inducing charm of the Cosmic Drama created and sustained by Him. The Author lays bare how Guru Nanak`s "Creative Mysticism" initiates, invigorates, and sustains a live-wire trilogue among the three human faculties of reason, Emotion, and Imagination -all consummated in Intuition which, according to Guru Nanak, is indispensable to the leading of a Holistic (i.e., deeper, higher, wider, healthier, and fuller) life. This book should find the pride of place in all libraries and homes.

ISBN - 8186622810

Pages : 238
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