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  Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? In Pursuit of Scientific Evidence (In 2 Volumes)

Can The Mind Survive Beyond Death? In Pursuit Of Scientific Evidence (In 2 Volumes)

by Satwant K. Pasricha

  Price : Rs 1200.00
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  The present book is the first comprehensive collection of themes on scientific evidence for survival of human personality (or mind) beyond death, to be published in India. It is based on scientific investigations of cases of the Reincarnation type, NDEs, Xenoglossy, and Possession by Dr. Satwant K. Pasricha and her colleagues from various countries spanning more than 30 years. seventeen chapters have been devoted to the research on reincarnation wherein over 60 cases of children who claimed to remember previous lives (cases of the reincarnation type) describing a variety of features such as phobias, change in religion or sex from previous life to the present, birthmarks and other skin amomalies (illustrated with photographs) attributed to the antemortem injuries or wounds on the body of the deceased person with whom the child is identified, are included. A close correspondence between birth-marks or birth defects of a child and injuries on the body of the deceased, checked from the medical records, has been established in many cases. In addition, the book includes chapters on features of NDEs in India and their comparison with features of the American NDE cases; and one chapter each on a case of xenoglossy (an ability of a person to speak a language not learned by him or her by normal means) and of possession by a discarnate spirit.
ISBN - 8186622932

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