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  PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects

Php Web 2.0 Mashup Projects

by Shu-Wai Chow

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  A mashup is a web page or application that combines data from two or more external online sources into an integrated experience. This book is your entryway to the world of mashups and Web 2.0. You will create PHP projects that grab data from one place on the Web, mix it up with relevant information from another place on the Web and present it in a single application.

This book is made up of five real-world PHP projects. Each project begins with an overview of the technologies and protocols needed for the project, and then dives straight into the tools used and details of creating the project:

* Look up products on Amazon.Com from their code in the Internet UPC database
* A fully customized search engine with MSN Search and Yahoo!
* A personal video jukebox with YouTube and Last.FM
* Deliver real-time traffic incident data via SMS and the California Highway Patrol!
* Display pictures sourced from Flickr in Google maps

All the mashup applications used in the book are built upon free tools and are thoroughly explained. You will find all the source code used to build the mashups used in this book in the code download section for this book.

ISBN - 9788184044096

Pages : 306
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