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  Speciation in Birds

Speciation In Birds

by Trevor Price

  Price : Rs 5053.78
  Your Price : Rs 4548.40
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  It is the best work available on its topic, the behavioral and genetic causes and consequences of speciations in birds. An insightful and thought-provoking treatise on speciation and its consequences in birds, the taxon that brought you the biological species concept and the doctrine of allopatric speciation. As the literature in any field explodes there is simultaneously an increasing need for synthesis yet an increasing difficulty in achieving it. This is certainly true for the ever-popular subject of ornithology. Trevor Price takes up the challenge to explain how birds speciate, and succeeds magnificently. It is a comprehensive review of all the major ideas, beautifully illustrated with pictures of birds. More than 1300 works are cited, but more impressive is the range of subjects, from genetics to biogeography, from the reconstruction of phylogeny to ecology and the casuses of reproductive isolation, all discussed with admirable clarity.

The engaging text will stimulate and guide graduate students and researchers alike in a fundamentally important area of research.

Speciation in Birds is a significant advance in our understanding of the genesis and maintenance of biological diversity. It will be a "must read" not only for ornithologists, but for evolutionary biologists of all stripes–this is the most synthetic and innovative treatment of speciation ever published for any group of organisms.
ISBN - 0974707783

Pages : 480
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