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Timing Events Through Vimshottari Dasha

by K.N. Rao

  Price : Rs 150.00
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  In the first chapter, Rao gives some hints: The condition of the dasha lords must be examined in the birth chart, and the navamsha. If the question is about career, then you must additionally use the dashamsha chart, if about siblings, the drekkana, if about property, the chaturthamsha, if children, the saptamsha, if parent, the dwadashamsha. Do a combined reading: Give 3.5 points for the condition of the natal dasha lords, 3 points for the navamsha, and half a point for the third (divisional) chart. Every event must be examined through these three charts. In Vimshottari dasha, examine the major period, the sub-period & the sub-sub period, checking for the mutual positions of the major & sub dasa lords. If they are in kendras or trikonas, it`s favorable. In houses 2 / 12, or 6 / 8, there are difficulties. Consider the ownership of the dasha lords. Look also at the Yogini dasha in effect. Triple check with Chara dasha. Re-examine from the standpoint of the moon. Finally, look at transits, never forgetting the sarvashtaka. (pgs. 12-13) Rao expands on this in the rest of the book.

Memory tablets: CBI: Collect Background Information (from page 38). TASK: Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis, Kinds (of synthesis). IPC: Inferences, Perception, Clarity. CRFD: Classical, Romantic, Formula, Dasha.

Pages : 110
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