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  Brihat Jataka of varaha mihra

Brihat Jataka Of Varaha Mihra

by Translated By Usha & Shashi, Upgraded By G.K. Goel

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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Introduction; Introducting of second edition; Astrological terms; Forword

1. Definitions & elementary principles (zodiacal); 2. Definitions & elementary principles (planetary); 3. Animal & vegetable horoscopy; 4. Nisheka kala or the time of conception; 5. Matters connected with birth time;

6. Balarishta or early death; 7. Ayurdaya or the determination of the length of life; 8. Planetary divisions & sub-divisions of life known as dasas & antar dasas; 9. Ashtaka vargas; 10. Avocation;

11. Raja yoga or the birth of kings; 12. Nabhasa yogas; 13. Chandra or lunar yogas; 14. Double planetary yogas; 15. Ascetic yogas;

16. The nakshatras or the moon in the asterisms; 17. The moon in the several signs of the zodiac; 18. The sun, Mars & other planets in the several signs of the zodiac; 19. Planetary aspects; 20. Planets in the bhavas;

21. Planets in the several vargas; 22. Miscellaneous yogas; 23. Malefic yogas; 24. Horoscopy of women; 25. Death; 26. Lost horoscopes; 27. Drekkanas; 28. Conclusion.

A. Chitra Paksha Ayanamsha
B. Equal house (bhava) division & the role of the trinity in Navamsa
C. Major (dasa) & sub-periods (Antar Dasas) of the planets based on the method of Ansayurdaya ISBN-8170820561

Pages : 350
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