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  Texbook of Social Medicine, 2/Ed

Texbook Of Social Medicine, 2/Ed

by Sridhar Rao

  Price : Rs 210.00
  Your Price : Rs 189.00
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  This UGC sponsored and National Award winning book is the only book of its kind. It deals exhaustively with the subject of social medicine. It is a treatise on the role of global sociocultural factors in the causation of physical, mental and psychological diseases, disabilities, suicides, crimes, prostitution and drug addiction. Also, it discusses threadbare how the acts of omission and commission of people including medical and paramedical personnel, lead to the perpetuation or worsening of diseases. When read between the lines it makes a strong plea to the medical practitioners including specialities and super specialists to take a holistic neighbouthood and occupational groups.

Though written primarily for medical students this book will be equally useful not only to students of nursing and other paramedical disciplines but, also to the students of social sciences. What is nore, even lay persons will find this book so easy that they be loath to put in down before reading to the very last page.ISBN-9788174734518

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