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  Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice, 3/e

Analytical Chemistry: Theory And Practice, 3/E

by Verma R.M.

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 396.00
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  The material of the book is mainly concerned with the topics mentioned in the undergraduate syllabi of various Universities. However at appropriate places some information has been provided which may be useful to post-graduate students as well. Apart from-discussing the theoretical aspects of various analytical procedures a number of experiments have been described in detail which will be helpful to students in carrying out various determinations. The purpose of giving experimental details of some typical determinations is to acquaint the student with various analytical techniques. Once these are properly understood he can successfully perform many more determinations. Keeping in view the recent upsurge in instrumental methods of analysis basic principles of quantitative analytical procedures based on. Matter-energy interaction have been discussed along with the classical methods of analysis. ISBN 9788123902661

Pages : 561
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