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  Environment Agriculture and Poverty in Developing Countries (In 3 Volumes)

Environment Agriculture And Poverty In Developing Countries (In 3 Volumes)

by Ali Mohammad, Shamsul Haque Siddiqui, Abul Munir, Rocket Ibrahim

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2000.00
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  Future of humanity is at a critical juncture, as the population continues to grow at a high rate in most of the regions surrounding South Asia, which is characterized as high level of poverty, low level of agricultural productivity and world`s most food deficit region. The looming shortage of basic needs has compelled the man to irrational exploitation of his immediate surrounding, i.e., natural resources available which has adversely affected the environment. The regional dimensions of environ-mental degradation are also very dangerous for their inhabitants. As we have realized with shrinking of world, that the degradation and damage of the environment in one region or country has affected others and the problems have to be tackled on a global and regional scale. So, there is a need and necessity to think globally and act locally. In view of situation prevailing in the region surrounding South Asia, the papers in three volumes deal with the themes such as land resource-constraints and potential, technology transfer (remote sensing and GIS) inland resource utilization, regional environment policies, legal and institutional framework for environment protection and regional cooperation.ISBN:8180692701

Pages : 592
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