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  Making Sense of Leadership

Making Sense Of Leadership

by Esther Cameron & Mike Green

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  This book is a brilliant combination of facts, anecdotes and easily applicable ideas which will be a valuable addition to anyone. I would heartily encourage you to dip into this treasure trove of change".

Domian Hughes, founder of www.liquidthinker.com and author of Liquid Leadership

"A great book Making Sense of Leadership is an invaluable resource for developing leaders at all levels in today`s complex business environment. I can recommend it as an excellent resource for people in leadership positions and leadership developers alike".

Dr. Katja Krueckeberg. Client Relations Director, Mannaz, The Danish Leadership Institute

Description: If successful organizational leaders were actors in a play, what roles would they typically take?

¢ Do different situations require very different leadership approaches?

¢ What leadership characteristics did Mahatma Gandhi and Ronald Reagan share?

By examining the way effective leaders act, Esther Cameron and Mike Green have identified the five roles of successful leaders: The Edgy Catalyser, who asks the difficult questions; The Visionary Motivator energizing people to success; The Measured Connector enabling purposeful connections between poeple; The Tenacious implementer tirelessly pursuing the plan; and the Thoughtful Architct who crafts complex ideas into an understandable direction.

Discovering these roles offers and important guide to the new leader, as well as an interesting challenge to the existing one. Making Sense of Leadership is about leading from the inside out; finding the right role for your situation, experimenting with it, mastering it, and achieving more.

Contents: Part 1: Introduction: 1.Leading From the Inside Out 2. How to Use this Book: Introduction ¢ Understanding the five roles ¢ The research ¢ Expanding your role repertoire ¢ Resources for developing others 3. The Five Roles-an Overview: Edgy catalyser 11: Visionary motivator ¢ Measured connector ¢ Tenacious implementer ¢ Thoughtful architect 4. Arriving at the Five Roles: Introduction ¢ What do successful leaders do ¢ What do successful leaders pay attention to ¢ The five leadership roles

Part 2: Understanding the Five Roles : 5. The Edgy Catalyser : The edgy catalyer role in a nutshell ¢ All about the edgy catalyser role ¢ Heart and soul of the edgy catalyser role ¢ The edgy catalyser`s inner experience ¢ The edgy catalyser`s outer presentation ¢ Organizational aspects of the edgy catalyser role ¢ Examples of edgy catalysers 6. The Visionary Motivator: The visionary motivator role in a nutshell ¢ All about the visionary motivator role ¢ Heart and soul of the visionary motivator`s inner experience ¢The visionary motivator`s inner experience ¢ The visionary motivator`s outer presentation ¢ Organizational aspects of the visionary motivator role ¢ Examples of visionary motivators 7. The Measured Connector: The measured connector role in a nutshell ¢ All about the measured connector role ¢ Heart and soul of the measured connector role ¢ The measured connector`s inner experience ¢ The measured connector`s outer presentation ¢ Organizational aspects of the measured connector role ¢ Examples of measured conntectors 8. The Tenacious Implementer: The tenacious implementer role in a nutshell ¢ All about the tenacious implementer role ¢ Heart and soul of the tenacious implementer ¢ The tenacious implementer`s inner experience ¢ The tenacious implementer`s outer presentation ¢ Organizational aspects of the tenacious implementersrole ¢ Examples of tenacious implementers 9. The Thoughtful Architect : The thoughtful architect role in a nutshell ¢ All about the thoughtful architect role ¢ The heart and soul of the thoughtful architect ¢ The thoughtful architect`s inner experience ¢ The thoughtful architect`s outer presentation ¢ Organizational aspects of thoughtful architects ¢ Examples of thoughtful architects

Part 3: The Research: 10: What Roles do Effective Leaders use?: Objectives of the research ¢ Research group ¢ Roles used by effective leaders ¢ Are the roles independent of each other? ¢ What type of leader are you? ¢ Which of the five roles do you find hardest to adopt? ¢ Which of the five roles is most attractive as a role model? ¢ Which of the roles would you least like to be led by? ¢ Which are the most and least prevalent styles in your organization ¢ Conclusions 11. Which Roles are Needed When?: Restructuring ¢ Crisis ¢ Technology-led change ¢ Process re-engineering ¢ Merger, acquisition or takeover ¢ Working with partners and stakeholders ¢ Improving supply chain management ¢ Growing a new enterprise ¢ Unhappy worforce ¢ New product or service to be designed and launched ¢ New legislation tighter compliance and critical project - well-defined change ¢ Complex whole-organization change, cultural change and working towards a five-year strategy - long-range complex change ¢ Well-defined change versus long-range complex change

Part 4: Expanding your Role Repertoire: 12. Self-assessment 13. How to Step into a New Role: Knowing yourself ¢ Your behaviour patterns ¢ Knowing what you are about ¢ Knowing your flexibility and your aspirations ¢ Challenging your limiting beliefs and aiming high! ¢ The power of role playing ¢ How to get into a new role ¢ How to access a role ¢ Develop your ˜in the moment` spontaneity ¢ Developing the Edgy Catalyser in you ¢ Developing the visionary motivator in you ¢ Developing the measured connector in you ¢ Developing the tenacious implementer in you ¢ Developing the thoughtful architect in you 14. The Shadow Side: Leaders on a bad day ¢ Knowing your own shadow ¢ Leaders and the shadow ¢ The shadow side of the five leadership roles ¢ Surfacing the shadow ¢ Some practical ideas for working with the shadow

Part 5 Resources for Developing Others: 15. Useful exercises for group and teams: More short exercises to explore the five roles 16. The Roles in Action: The senior manager ¢ The middle manager ¢ The member of staff ¢ The change manager ¢ Partnership worker

About the Authors: Esther Cameron and Mike Green work in both the private and public sectors and use a variety of coaching, consultancy and workshop interventions to support organizational development. Mike tutors at Henley Management College, and Esther lectures at the University of Bristol. Both are established authors in the area of change and leadership and are co-authors of the lead title Making Sense of Change Management, also published by Kogan Page.

Target Audience: Management professionals, students & academics of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456320

Pages : 226
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