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  Economics of Distance Higher Education

Economics Of Distance Higher Education

by M.M. Ansari

  Price : Rs 200.00
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  This book devoted to exmine the economic aspects of distance eduction and is a pioneering effort of significance in a number of ways. First, in the backdrop of developmenbts in higher education and the theories of distance education, it presents and overview of evolution of open learning system in India. This help in assessing the extent to which the expectations from the promotion of this mode of education are realized. The expansion and diversification of the system as well as the pattern of enrolment by different categories are also ananlysed which shed light on the extent to which the deprived groups like women are benefited. Second, it develops and econo ic perspective on distance education, which provides a theoretical and analytical. framework for examining the economic viability of distance education programmes. It contains a comprehensive discussion on cost function in distance education, the factors affection the costs of education, the concepts and uses of cost-effective and cost-efficiency analyses etc. Third, it prsents a detailed analysis of the finances of distance education institutions finances of distance education instituions particularly in respects of the sources of revenue, the pattern of utilization of expenditure, unit costs of education etc., which assist in drawing the relevant policy inferences for resource allocation. Fourth, it carries out an exercise on cost-effectiveness analysis of distance education ans measures the extent to which this mode of education, as compared to formal system, is low cost and efficient as well. The book covers a wide range of issues and themes felation to the theories of distance education, the policy and its performance as measured in terms of quantitative and qualitative developments, costs and finance aspects, particularly from the view-point of equity and efficiency of resources deployed for the growht and expansion of distance education. Thus, the book presents an economic analysis of an improcing the standard of distance teaching. ISBN:817022246X

Pages : 144
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