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  making the Most of Accreditation : Balancing the National and International Developments in Higher Education

Making The Most Of Accreditation : Balancing The National And International Developments In Higher Education

by Antony Stella And A. Gnanam

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 400.00
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  This book gives a comprehensive view of the development of adult, continuing and non-formal education in India. It attempts to provide information on almost all aspects of adult education. While the First Chapter, besides defining the terms of adult, continuing and non-formal education, traces the historical development, the Second Chapter is concerned with the National Policy on Adult Education as formulated by the Central Government from time to time. The Third Chapter takes up the planning of the adult education through Five-Year Plans (from First to Ninth Plan). The Fourth and Fifth Chapters are devoted to the recommendations of the Committees, Commissions, Working Groups and proceedings of the Central Advisory Board and major recommen-dations made by Conferences on Education respectively. The other Chapters (Sixth, Seventh and Eighth) deal with the National Adult Education Programme (1978), the role of the universities and colleges in the development of the programme, importance of research, evaluation and monitoring in this field. The Ninth Chapter highlights the role of adult education in achieving the Womena??s Equality and Empowerment. The last Chapter provides statistics on adult, continuing and non-formal education.ISBN:8180690695

Pages : 439
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